Best Geeky Batman Tattoo Design. Batman craze is what has driven each one
Jack Nicholson joker tattoo.
The two bats to match the car and an awesome fan tattoo that we spotted
simpson tattoo
Batman Leg Tattoo (finished)
Somebody just sent me a photo of one of my images tattooed on a guy's arm.
Batman Tattoo
The "Batman Family" artist Brian Monk from Infinate Art in Toledo, OH
Batman Tattoos from The Dark Knight Movie
Labels: batman, bez
Batman Tattoos: January 2009
sent us this wonderful photo showing off her Batman “Arm Sleeve” Tattoo.
Batman Action Temporary Tattoos (2 sheets)
BATMAN? He doesn't even LIVE in New York! He lives in Gotham,
BATMAN TATTOO ART - Chest Logo Symbol ( Comic Book Style )
batman-back-1.jpg. Can't decide what kind of tattoo to get?
The 1st one is a BATMAN tattoo inspired by the comic book artwork of Jim Lee
Photo: Batman Fan Gets a Bat-Symbol Movie Logo Tattoo!
REBELLIOUS: Taco Tattoo! Holy Flying Tacos Batman! Nameless reader submission, done by jon boy at curious tattoo in college
My new batman tattoo!